Healing process

If you check out my Google page, you will see some of the really good feedback I have received from my regular clients, when I ask them about the effects their session has had on them. 

Yet, every so often it happens, the answer from a new client is – “I feel achy and exhausted! What have you done to me? “

Congratulation, the session you have experienced, was very effective.

You have experienced so called “Healing process”.  Let me assure you, that this is a temporary state, and you will be feeling better in a day or two. This process is a powerful message from your body saying – “I am healing, thank you very much. I need a bit of time to myself, don’t interrupt too much, give me some water, let me rest.  I, (your body) am clever enough to sort myself out, now you have given me the chance. You have just got me deep cleaned, thrown out all the stuff I have been asking you to chuck out ages ago, now I can sweep the corners and polish the surfaces. It will take me a little while, and it might tire me out a little, but believe me, my beloved owner, it will be so worth it. Once I finish this cleansing process, your skin will glow, your energy will flow smoothly, your fatigue will be gone, your clarity of mind will peak!  

Lovely. And if you treat me to another reflexology or a shiatsu session soon, I will be able to go through this cleansing process is a bit quicker next time, as you see I am a bit out of practice… “

I always give my clients advice how to follow the session, and when would be the best time to have a follow up, to avoid descending to their old harmful habits, and make the most of the Esperanza Holistics rejuvenating touch. And if you are in any way concerned, please get in touch, I am happy to chat with you about any concerns. 

Kind regards,

Ludmila from Esperanza Holistics

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