Massage Reviews & Testimonials

Wonderful feedbacks from my clients on Reflexology and Shiatsu sessions, Acupressure Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Facial Acupressure Uplift Massage

“When Ludmila asked what is was id like to leave with from my treatment i unconvincingly repliued with “to feel my old self again.” the tretament was wonderful, unbelievable, magical…I was in disbleief as i didnt think it was possible to feel anywhere near my old self ever again, and so i cant express enough the incredible ways in wich Ludmila has worked on me in such a short space of time. Ludmila listens with intent and her gentle approach, knowledge and undertsanding with the breif information she recieved from me that day resulted in what i can only describe as ‘immediate stillness.’ I rebooked straight away for another shiatsu appointment within several days.

My second appointment helped me even further, in more ways than one. Before recieving treamtment from Ludmila i felt pretty low to the ground and would use bouts of energy to gather myself at the start, middle and end of the day. Since my two Shiatsu sessions i have felt lighter and more efficient with physical movements and mental decissions which is more than i expected from 1, never mind 2 sessions. I cant wait for my next one 🙂 thank you :)”

Jane Orme

“This was amazing i will definitely be back for another treatment thank you again.”

Emma Tyndall

“Had a amazingly relaxing shiatsu massage whilst 8 months pregnant. Really holistic approach and was given useful tips for birthing preparation. Was so comfortable throughout the treatment and slept amazingly well afterwards!”

Jade Loftus

“Have been coming to see Ludmila for a few months and I love having whatever treatment she deems fit for me.

Whatever I have done I always feel the benefit. Thank you Ludmila 🙏🏻”

Karen Chevalier

“I found this amazing lady on google after being advised to get a lymphatic drainage massage, this is because i had water retention and swollen ankles from my long haul flight. I knew nothing about this but Ludmila explained everything to me. I noticed the results straight away, it was amazing. I went back for a second visit as i had some sort of allergy to my face and Ludmila done a bit of a mix up of lymphatic, reiki and acupuncture and WOW what a difference it made. I am going back on a regular basis and will maybe try other services that Ludmila provides. I highly recommend this lovely lady so if anyone has any problems they need treating or just a nice relaxing massage then Ludmila is your lady x”

Caroline Pickup

“I booked in with Ludmila for a deep tissue massage a few of months ago, but on arriving and having a consultation with her she recommended shiatsu for me. I had no idea what shiatsu was but thought why not try something new. About five minutes into it I could tell something felt different and by the end of the massage I was in the deepest state of relaxation I have ever had and felt the most ‘balanced’ I had in months. I have now been for 3 shiatsu massages with her and each one has benefited my wellbeing so much. She is a very gifted lady who makes you feel in the safest hands and has also offered me tips for ‘rebalancing’ day to day that have been very powerful.”

Laura Christie

“I had two reflexology sessions and one shiatsu with Ludmila. I can honestly say that I have never had such instantly, effective holistic therapy in my life! I love reflexology and have had lots of it off various therapists but this was on another level. After reflexology/Shiatsu with Ludmila I slept so deeply and was full of energy the next day. Hadn’t felt like that for months.
She is also a very nurturing and caring person, just being around her makes me feel calm and at ease. She listens to exactly what you want out of the session and goes with that. If you can do one positive thing for yourself today, make an appointment with help, you will be so pleased you did.”

Katie Ramsey

“Ludmila’s Shiatsu massages are amazing. Even for a 65 year-old, I was in poor shape when I first went to see Ludmila. In recent months I had suffered a hospital stay for sepsis and two bouts of bronchitis, leaving me with a persistent cough. My energy level was at an all time low, and in particular my breathing was laboured. Even routine activities were hard work. Frankly, I felt terrible and was not especially optimistic that Ludmila would be able to help me. However, after a few sessions of Shiatsu massage therapy my breathing became noticeably easier; my cough gradually disappeared. Earlier this week, I completed a twenty-mile cycle ride. Ludmila is expert in what she does. I am happy to have seen objective improvements in my health.”

Michael Brassington

This was my first Shiatsu Massage and reflexology session. I found it incredibly relaxing as well as relieving toe joint pain and assisting with relief for a trapped nerve in my shoulder. I found that the exercises recommended by the therapist for my trapped nerve have been easier to follow and more effective than those recommended by a Physiotherapist who had previously treated my shoulder. The therapist was thoroughly welcoming and professional and I would highly recommend her.

Miles Davis

“I had been looking for someone who could help with tightness and misalignment I get due to a lot of cardio and not enough stretching over the years. More recently, these ongoing issues have got worse as my stress levels have also taken a toll on my body. I have been dealing with moving back to the area from the States, the death of my mother and a divorce. I have now had two sessions with Ludmila and wish I could have one every day! I immediately felt the benefits – my shoulders were straight again, I slept much better and overall, felt looser. I am really happy having found Ludmila and have already booked an ongoing weekly slot. I would highly recommend.”

Amanda Jones

“Knew I had problems after a knee Op 3yrs earlier. Ludmila listened & started to unravel the many problems I had all caused from my flat feet. Leaving me with exercises most weeks to complement her treatment sessions. It all made sense as she unravelled and then started to rebuild me. As the weeks have gone by my physical capabilities have improved & things I thought “ well that’s just my age and get use to it !” Have been turned on its head with my mobility of feet, knees and hips improving week on week, Alternative Therapy at its best you will not be disappointed. Many thanks Ludmila 😉”

“Session with Ludmila are such a tonic for every part of your body and mind. She has a unique ability to tune in to your needs and then adapts her treatments accordingly. I feel cared for and nurtured after every treatment. Strongly recommend for anyone looking for alternative therapies.”

Alison Blacker

“I loved my shiatsu treatment with you!
I floated home and felt very relaxed all eve! I slept like a log and woke without anxiety which enabled me to enjoy a breakfast! Something I have not been able to for 3 months due to PTSD!! This sense of internal peace has continued since my treatment!! Thank you so much Ludmilla! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”


Ludmila is a a master at her craft. Insightful, intuitive and highly skilled. By the end of the shiatsu treatment I felt lighter and no longer had tension in my shoulders and knee. I have been to a number of therapists over the years and Ludmila is one of the very best. Highly recommended.

Denise Chilton

“I am so pleased that I found Ludmila and Esperanza Holistics. She is extremely knowledgeable and highly skilled, and I have never experienced such incredible acupuncture and massage in my life. I highly recommend Ludmila and her services. She is the best by far on the Wirral.”

Lindsay Rocke

“Thank you for an amazing journey. I am having reflexology to support my Type 1 Diabetes regime. Since starting session I have been reducing insulin with food. Now 1 unit per meal from 8 units! I look forward to my sessions and would recommend buying Ludmila’s treatments for friends and family.”

“You know I trust you implicitly but I have to admit I wasn’t sure I’d notice any changes or benefits from it…..boy was I wrong!!!! We certainly worked on elimination!
It was a really fun session and I liked that I got to understand more the treatment I’ve been having with you for some months. I feel so energised, light and enthusiastic after our session! Thank you so, so much!”

“West Kirby’s best kept secret – left feeling as if I was floating on air.”
