Qigong Exercise

Free qigong sessions are open to everybody, so don’t hesitate and come to recharge your batteries!

Qigong is a gentle system of breathing exercises, body postures and movements, promoting mental well-being, concentration, maintaining good health and enhancing the flow of vital energy. 

It involves very simple repetitive exercises, so it is suitable for everyone, you can even perform it while sitting down. 

We are also involved in community activities, read about the last one.

We meet on Fridays at 8am, at Victoria Park in West Kirby, CH48 0QT, by the bowling green.

Join us, you will feel reenergised and ready for your day after the session. 

These sessions are free, instead of payment you can donate money to the RNLI or St. John’s Hospice on the Wirral.

Qigong in the Park