The best job in the world

I think I have the best job in the world, helping my clients not just physically, but on an emotional, psychological, and even a spiritual level. 

But, a little while ago, I had a client, who expressed dissatisfaction with their first Esperanza Holistics first session in rather a threatening way. This incident has made me reflect on some aspects of my practice. 

Over the many years of practicing holistic therapies, I have probably given well over 5000 sessions, and that does not even include my work in NHS. Some people call this “experience”, I see this as my “subconscious notes to myself “. 

So, this is how I work:

I believe we have met for a reason. 

The first time you come to me I am thinking, you are unique! You are not just one of the many people I have had the privilege to welcome into my studio. Your body has different needs, today, right now. Today, you might feel a bit flustered, overjoyed by a happy event, hungry, overexercised, fed up with the role of caring for your relative, frustrated after an argument, generally tired from the many straws that life has put on your back; yet, to the world you are saying that everything is fine. That is your choice and your right. 

However here, in Esperanza Holistics, you can put this armour down, you have entered a safe place. Your shield can be put aside, at least for the duration of your session, here you are accepted as you are. If you ask for advice I might offer it, dipping into the many resources, interests, and knowledge I have available.

We will establish your needs prior the session and go with the treatment most suitable for you right now

I just want to ask you one thing – please do not ask for modalities which I consider unsuitable for your condition on the day of your visit; I cannot offer you – here I am quoting some of the past requests – “a very deep painful massage to sort out my possibly dislocated shoulder”; neither will I tolerate any requests for sexual services.  

I will not promise you any unrealistic results, if your condition has taken years to develop, it will probably not go away after one session. 

If we don’t gel, you are of course free to find another therapist. After all, most of my regular loyal clients have found me after trying many other ways to help themselves. 

 For my lovely Esperanza Holistics regular and new friends – I am here to help, and I shall be giving each and every single one of you the best I can.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Ludmila X

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