18/10/2023 – Happy Menopause Day, ladies, Yes, I did just say “happy”!
Life’s unfair, in our culture it is the “curse of the first period”, the enduring “monthly misery” and now the “maddening Menopause”. Only a few years ago “The change” was ...
Spring nettle cure
Suddenly, the Spring arrived as if overnight, and energy woke up to the full force. The green colour started to take over the gloomy shades of the winter blues, our ...
Lockdown – raising to a challenge
Autumn of the year 2020 – now is the season when we need holistic therapies even more than ever. The times when anxiety, loneliness and depression set in, without help ...
What to expect from a Distance Energy Session?
This very empowering session will allow you to find the way to rectify your posture, ease discomfort and renew your energy. I normally achieve this result by laying my hands ...
Covid: Esperanza in a distant form
Dear Esperanza Holistics friends, I hope you are all well and safe. As much I would like to continue seeing you all, I have taken a decision to temporarily close ...