We all need a nourishing touch – and perhaps even more so when pregnant. In fact, when you are pregnant, the two of you require it!
Most mothers-to-be do not realise how beneficial it is to receive an understanding and nourishing massage. Quite often, they worry whether or not it is a safe thing to do.
At Esperanza Holistics, I offer a fabulous 90-minute treatment called Shiatsu for Pregnancy. This is a safe, nurturing, individually tailored session, which suits the needs of every mum-to-be. Please check the feedback on my Massage Reviews & Testimonials page.
This session can help to protect the Essence, the vital substance that has been passed to us from our ancestors and that we further share with our baby. Shiatsu helps to move the Qi (as the Chinese call life energy) in a really gentle way, bonding the Mum with her baby, deepening their sense of well-being, relaxation and connection.
At the later stages of pregnancy, this gentle treatment can help with reduction of puffiness and swelling in the limbs, as well as keeping the mother calm and relaxed, prepared for the idea of giving birth in an empowered way.

So, imagine …
You are lying down, wearing your own comfortable loose clothing, in a very restful position (which will depend on the stage of your pregnancy – for the later stages, I have a luxurious Original Body Cushion). You are warm and safe. I will ask your permission to place my hands on you and – through you – your baby, and invite you to visualise the perfect relaxation place. My soft, nourishing touch will deepen your relaxed state, which will allow me to work on all those areas of tension, backache, and hip and sacrum discomfort. In addition, I will massage and gently stretch your tired hands and feet in a safe way, while you rest.
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Book your session now.
With love, Ludmila x