New era with a redesigned website

Dear Esperanza Holistics friends,

I hope you are safe and well. 

Along with many others, Government advice has caused Esperanza Holistics to have a hiatus on face-to-face contact. The silver lining to this uncertain cloud has given me a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with my wonderful cousin Alena. 

So, here are the fruits of our labours! My new website, what do you think?

I am hoping to keep in touch with you via an occasional newsletter. If you would like to be updated on special offers, seasonal recipes and self-help exercises, feel free to sign up (see below). 

It has been a few difficult months for all of us and I miss meeting you face to face, and cannot wait for the moment when I am allowed to open the door to my studio again. 

Until then I am making the most of the technology available to us, and conducting my sessions via an internet platform such as Zoom. What am I saying, you ask, a massage over internet? ….  Yes, although it seemed unimaginable before these strange times fell upon us;  it is possible to receive a guided bodywork session in the comfort of your home. Under my supervision you will be your own therapist.

The feedback has been amazing, and it is giving me such a satisfaction to observe my clients progress, albeit from the distance. I am looking forward to helping you on your way to better health and wellbeing. 

Be well.

Kind regards,

Ludmila from Esperanza Holistics

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